ANDROGYNE - John Marshal © Srishti Madurai.


I never wish to be a male…
I never wish to be a female too..
I wish to be a androgyne…

I never like a red rose...
I never like a white rose too…
I like a pink rose…

I has a chest..
But I like it to be a breast too..
Since I am a androgyne..

I never want a tight jean..
Or a short skirt..
I want a androgyne wear…

I respect beauty in all sexes…
I never admire anyone as beauty or ugly..
Since I feel androgyny…

I am a genderqueer….
I am neither a line nor a curve.
I am neither a straight nor a non straight…
Since I am androgyne…

1 comment:

  1. Carry the androgynous look.
